Your 40 reps a day Winter challenge

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This mini home workout challenge will keep you moving through winter. It’s literally just 40 repetitions of a single exercise every day, for 40 days. You can do that, right?

But why are we asking you to in the first place? Well it’s tradition, you see!

Every winter at our live group training locations around Australia we run a 40-day challenge – it’s live now and not too late to get involved if you live near one of our HQs and are prepared to play catch-up. The goal of the challenge is to be as consistent with your training as possible for 40 days throughout winter, with the winner taking home a kick-ass prize pool.

But if you can’t join us live, this year you can have a little fun following along at home.


Your 40-Day Home Challenge

Below is a list of 40 exercises – simply print them off, stick them on your fridge and do 40 reps of each day’s exercise as it comes up. This may not be a life-changing exercise program but it could be that little nudge you need to keep moving over winter and who knows, might even inspire you to really step up your winter game!

To get involved, just do this:

  • Choose a start date (we start on June 6th)
  • On day one, do 40 repetitions of the first exercise on the list
  • Every day after that, do 40 repetition of each day’s exercise
  • When you hit the bottom of the list, congrats! You’ve been consistent for 40 days!
  • Advanced exerciser? Tack each day’s 40 reps on to the end of your regular workouts, or fit a few in on each of your rest days between big workouts.
  • Don’t know what a few of the exercises are? No worries, they’re all standard moves, so just pop them into Google for a how-to 😉

And… that’s it!


Here’s your list… have fuuunnn and show us that you’re sticking to the plan by following us on Instagram or Facebook @bufgirls and #bufgirl #40daysBUF


  1. Squats
  2. Knee Push-Ups
  3. Bicycle Crunches (left-right equals 1 rep!)
  4. Reverse Lunges
  5. Tricep Dips
  6. Squat Jumps
  7. Starjumps
  8. Hip Raises
  9. Burpees
  10. Crunches
  11. Walking Lunges
  12. High Knee Runs (left-right equals 1 rep!)
  13. Lateral Lunges
  14. Squats
  15. Bodyweight Plank Rows
  16. Lunge Jumps
  17. Burpee to Starjump
  18. Russian Twists
  19. Lateral Skaters
  20. 1-Leg Hip Raises
  21. Tricep Dips
  22. Reverse Lunge to Hop
  23. Squat to Kick
  24. Bicycle Crunches (left-right equals 1 rep!)
  25. Walking Lunges
  26. Lateral Skaters
  27. Plank to Push-Up
  28. Hip Raises
  29. Tuck Jump
  30. Single Leg Deadlift
  31. High Knee Runs (left-right equals 1 rep!)
  32. Superman Row
  33. Squats
  34. Lunge Jumps
  35. Crunches
  36. Bodyweight Plank Rows
  37. Lateral Lunges
  38. Bicycle Crunches (left-right equals 1 rep!)
  39. Starjumps
  40. Burpees



Live in NSW and want to get involved with our 40-Day challenge live? Click here to train in: Bondi, Newcastle, Manly, Shoalhaven.

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Girl Talk

  • Jo 1 Jun 2016

    Hi Libby! Love that I can join in at home and can’t wait to commit and achieve 40 days of exercise – just checking it’s ok to take harder options if we’re able (eg push ups)?
    PS. Love the tanks you girls are rocking!

    • Libby Babet
      Libby Babet 7 Jun 2016

      Of course Joanne! You could even add some together to make longer workouts, or do 3 sets of each day’s 40 reps! Maybe not the burpees hehe 😉 Glad you’re liking the posts! xx
