Kudos from our tribe
We love our BUF Girls!

Customer Stories
I’ve never been someone who enjoyed exercise at all. I didn’t mind doing yoga, dance or spin classes from time to time but generally I found it to be a massive chore. When people would say to me “I love running!” I’d always think to myself how on earth you could ‘love’ any kind of exercise but I now totally ...

My Story
I've never been someone who enjoyed exercise at all. I didn't mind doing yoga, dance or spin classes from time to time but generally I found it to be a massive chore. When people would say to me "I love running!" I'd always think to myself how on earth you could 'love' any kind of exercise but I now totally get it because I really do love coming to our BUF Girls sessions.
Close StoryThe BUF Body program went above and beyond my expectations. For most of my adult life, I battled to shift weight from my hips and thighs. BUF’s amazing exercise program and key nutritional advice gave me amazing results, losing 11 centimetres from my hips, 9.5 cm from my thighs and nearly 10 cm from both my waist and belly! There ...

My Story
The BUF Body program went above and beyond my expectations. For most of my adult life, I battled to shift weight from my hips and thighs. BUF's amazing exercise program and key nutritional advice gave me amazing results, losing 11 centimetres from my hips, 9.5 cm from my thighs and nearly 10 cm from both my waist and belly! There have been loads of unexpected bonuses too: a clearer complexion, loads more energy and a new approach to preparing food for my family. I have learned so much these past 6 weeks and I am aiming to maintain many of the changes I implemented during the program. As long as you have a good dose of will-power, you will get results!
Close StoryBUF is the best training group you could imagine with fun and positive trainers helping you the entire way! You’ve really opened my eyes to what certain foods do for you and how to achieve overall success.

My Story
BUF is the best training group you could imagine with fun and positive trainers helping you the entire way! You've really opened my eyes to what certain foods do for you and how to achieve overall success.
Close StoryI just wanted to write you a note to let you know that *sob sob* I’ll be moving back to the UK at the end of April. There’s a lot of things I will miss about leaving Australia, including all the wonderful friends I’ve made, but I can genuinely say that I will miss you girls and Bottoms Up beyond ...

My Story
I just wanted to write you a note to let you know that *sob sob* I'll be moving back to the UK at the end of April. There's a lot of things I will miss about leaving Australia, including all the wonderful friends I've made, but I can genuinely say that I will miss you girls and Bottoms Up beyond belief.
As you may remember, when I first moved out to Oz, I'd spent the previous 26 years doing very little sportswise and always tried fitness classes/gym membership etc, only to give up shortly afterwards. Libby in the first instance, then Ali and Alesha were the first people to ever make me want to keep coming back to a fitness class and I cannot believe it's been nearly 2 years I've stuck at it!!
From going to Bottoms Up, I'm returning to the UK much more determined that fitness and general activity will play a more integral role in my life than before.
But most importantly has been your help in changing my attitude to food. Before I moved out here and to be honest, for quite a while afterwards, my diet consisted of cereal and maybe toast for breakfast, a wrap, pasta salad or sandiwch for lunch, always with something sweet afterwards and for dinner, it was inevitably something with rice/potato/noodles on the side.
Having been able to give up naughty carbs relatively easily, it's taken me the past 2 years to get my head around sugar and the impact that, above anything else, has on my weight and well being.
Sugar has definitely been the harder nut to crack, but I have drastically reduced the amount of it I eat and am more conscious than ever of eating something with sugar in it. I'm determined to keep at it so that I eventually remove it from diet on all but very special occasions, but it is actually possible for me - something I would never have believed before!!
After xmas I've been keeping a weekly tracker of my measurements and thought you'd be interested in seeing them. The results aren't off the scale brilliant, but they show steady loss and something which I believe is achievable to keep working on over the long term.
Summary over the last 9 weeks:
- 7cms off my chest (i'm secretly delighted about this as my boobs have always added to me feeling overweight!)
- 4cms off my waist
- 2cms off my belly button
- 4cms off my hips (biggest pain point)
- 3cms off my right thigh
- 2cms off my right arm
So in summary, I just wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU! I'm leaving Australia with a completely different and better outlook on food and health than I would have ever imagined and I hope to report back in a year's time with some really great results as a result of a limited sugar diet and lots of exercise.
Thanks so much girls and see you at RBay classes + centennial next week!
Jen xxxxx
Close StoryBUF Girls presented a 90 minute talk “Eat Your Way to a Lean Body and a Healthy Mind” to the Lululemon Bondi team and 30 of their customers. lululemon hold speaking events on a regular basis and this talk was one of the most attended and re-requested. “The workshop BUF Girls presented to our team was incredibly informative and ...

My Story
lululemon Bondi - SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
BUF Girls presented a 90 minute talk "Eat Your Way to a Lean Body and a Healthy Mind" to the Lululemon Bondi team and 30 of their customers. lululemon hold speaking events on a regular basis and this talk was one of the most attended and re-requested.
"The workshop BUF Girls presented to our team was incredibly informative and eye opening. Their holistic approach to nutrition is well rounded with clean eating and healthy living. Our team won't be guilt ridden again, with their helpful recipes and delicious snacks offered. The lululemon Bondi team hope you come back soon!"
- lululemon Athletica Bondi
"Hey there, not sure if you remember me or not but I was the American dude at your lululemon talk you did months ago. Just wanted to say thanks for all the info, you guys definitely got me started in the right direction for nutrition which I have always struggled with (and still do). After your talk I did a bit more research and started making adjustments to my diet and in about 3 weeks I dropped 10Kg. I wasn't even really planning on losing weight I just wanted to eat healthier. But it definitely did the job and even with all the other research I did, it mostly comes back to the simple stuff of just eating whole foods and avoiding excess sugar like you guys mentioned. Anyways, just thought I would say thanks for getting me on track."
- Dane
Close StoryI discovered BUF Girls through the incredible founder Libby Babet, and have been involved (from a-far) for over 2 years now. Nothing would make me fitter (or happier) than being able to attend the BUF Girls sessions across NSW but as I live in Canberra luckily I have access to the BUF Girls online programs! BUF Body was the perfect option for me ...

My Story
I discovered BUF Girls through the incredible founder Libby Babet, and have been involved (from a-far) for over 2 years now. Nothing would make me fitter (or happier) than being able to attend the BUF Girls sessions across NSW but as I live in Canberra luckily I have access to the BUF Girls online programs!
BUF Body was the perfect option for me as it armed me with the knowledge and personal approach so I could get my BUF on, even from Canberra. The program is tailored weekly based on (initially) fitness tests, health chat and food diaries. Each week since I have been given challenges, targets & guidance in regards to eating, lifestyle and exercise habits. It also arms me with the two key elements which will help me achieve my goals which is self-accountability and perseverance. I enjoy having our catch up sessions as a 'review and plan' layout as it gives opportunities to openly discuss any issues, concerns, hurdles or just have a laugh. It is the personal approach that I've found works for me, as my trainer, Leash, is always available to chat, even outside of our scheduled catch ups.
BUF embodies everything that I love about fitness, health and wellbeing - community, functional, realistic, fun & now most of all...I can now join in from Canberra!
Close StoryBUF corporate training has been amazing!

My Story
Amanda Graci, LinkedIn - SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
BUF corporate training has been amazing! It has been a great opportunity for the team to get to know each other and work together to push the limits. It is something we look forward to every week and are eager to get outside to have a great workout. Cass has been brilliant in keeping us motivated, pushing us to our max and ensuring that regardless of how tough the workout is we still have fun!
Close StoryGetting out in the sunshine and breaking a sweat really sets me up for the week ahead

My Story
Henny Dwyer, LinkedIn - SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
Training with my team outdoors is a brilliant way to start the week. The BUF girls really know their stuff and their signature workouts are both challenging and fun at the same time. Cass does an incredible job keeping our energy levels high and you know you’re going to feel great afterwards…ok maybe a little sore but in a good way! Getting out in the sunshine and breaking a sweat really sets me up for the week ahead. It’s the best 45 minute investment in my entire day.
Close StoryMy fitness has improved, my body shape has totally changed, I have more energy and I don’t feel bloated. I had a very sensitive tummy before and now I don’t have any symptoms! On top of this – I don’t have to use Pro Activ as my acne has completely cleared up! The BUF Body program has given me a ...

My Story
My fitness has improved, my body shape has totally changed, I have more energy and I don't feel bloated. I had a very sensitive tummy before and now I don't have any symptoms! On top of this - I don't have to use Pro Activ as my acne has completely cleared up! The BUF Body program has given me a lot more than just a slimmer waist!
Close StoryI have been doing BUF for a year now. Have I become a chiselled, super hot exercise vixen? No, but I wasn’t intending to. Truth is, I love food too much. What I have done however, is considerably change my habits to include at least three early morning BUF sessions a week, reduced my crap food intake and have increased ...

My Story
I have been doing BUF for a year now. Have I become a chiselled, super hot exercise vixen? No, but I wasn’t intending to. Truth is, I love food too much. What I have done however, is considerably change my habits to include at least three early morning BUF sessions a week, reduced my crap food intake and have increased my fitness and strength significantly. Its made me leaner too.
I would have never thought I’d enjoy group fitness sessions but the trainers are all awesome. They are smart, encouraging and funny... even at 5:45 on a Monday morning. BUF is a brilliant business that allows you to book or cancel a class up to a few hours in advance which is the freedom I need with a demanding job. And $59 all in a week, that’s less than $20 a session if you go three times. Bargain! I can’t recommend BUF highly enough, in fact I do recommend it to anyone who will listen.
Close StoryJoining BUF was one of the best decisions I have ever made. BUF totally revolutionised my fitness, nutrition and outlook on all things health related. BUF is all about girl power, and empowering women to genuinely look and feel their best. The trainers are passionate about what they do and keep you on track, and are always there to help ...

My Story
Joining BUF was one of the best decisions I have ever made. BUF totally revolutionised my fitness, nutrition and outlook on all things health related. BUF is all about girl power, and empowering women to genuinely look and feel their best. The trainers are passionate about what they do and keep you on track, and are always there to help with any specific concerns. The clients are super friendly and encourage one another, and it's always nice to sneak in some socialising with your workout! BUF also run amazing programs and workshops throughout the year, often with awesome prizes to keep you motivated. There are also optional girly weekend retreats away, which are a great way to escape and rejuvenate. If you are looking for a fun way to get fit and meet some like-minded women, BUF is for you!
Close StoryWhen I joined BUF, I thought I was signing up for a regular boot camp down by the beach. But in fact I was signing up for a whole lot more… trainers who are as caring as they are motivating (both in and out the training sessions), a community of amazing girls who are always up for a laugh even at 6am in the pouring rain, and a true understanding of what it means to have a healthy body (I’m talking about really knowing what to eat and why, not calorie counting or fad diets).

My Story
Janice R -
I guess I’m not alone when I say I’ve been pretty up and down with my health and fitness over the years. I’ve tried big gyms and smaller studios, outdoor training and running with friends, and of course there were times doing very little at all!
But it wasn’t until I joined BUF that training has become an enjoyable part of my lifestyle, rather than that thing I know “I should do”!
When I joined BUF, I thought I was signing up for a regular boot camp down by the beach. But in fact I was signing up for a whole lot more… trainers who are as caring as they are motivating (both in and out the training sessions), a community of amazing girls who are always up for a laugh even at 6am in the pouring rain, and a true understanding of what it means to have a healthy body (I’m talking about really knowing what to eat and why, not calorie counting or fad diets).
It’s taken BUF to really help me change some bad, old habits – from being a night owl, to training at sunrise (no better time to be on Bondi!); from being a non-foodie to cooking lots of healthy food; and from being erratic with my training, to being pretty consistent.
Thanks to BUF, I am not just the fittest, but also the healthiest I’ve ever been – and I feel so much better for it!
For me, BUF isn’t just an outdoor training group – it’s a lifestyle, a community, a holistic approach to health and all in all lots of good fun.
Close StoryI have gone (or attempted to go to) a gym for many years, I would go through phases were I would go 4 times in the week, then not go at all for 2 months! I got bored, felt inadequate (not skinny enough, not fit enough) and felt like the classes were full of groupies and teachers pets, and those ...

My Story
Jennifer F -
I have gone (or attempted to go to) a gym for many years, I would go through phases were I would go 4 times in the week, then not go at all for 2 months! I got bored, felt inadequate (not skinny enough, not fit enough) and felt like the classes were full of groupies and teachers pets, and those that weren't in the fan club would be ignored or looked down on. All in all I HATED the gym and therefore associated exercise with this. That was until I discovered Bottoms Up Fitness! A friend recommended them to be, and understandably after my gym related fears, was nervous and unsure about my first session. I couldn’t have been more wrong!
Against an amazing backdrop of Bronte beach and the sunrise (compare that to the inside of a sweaty, smelly, run down gym), Cassey welcomed me and made me feel so comfortable. I managed to keep up with everyone (aside from the running, which I’m still working on!) and the other girls were really friendly – nothing like I had experienced before in gyms. It sounds silly, but I couldn’t believe it when each and every trainer has remembered my name, despite the tonne of girls’ names that they also have to remember. At the gym I was just another number and I would NEVER feel like that with Bottoms Up.
I literally could go on all day about how much I love it, you guys have made me LOVE EXERCISE. Not just the exercise either, I am becoming more and more educated about food and what I’m putting into my body (the yoghurt blog shocked me to the core!) and I am getting excited about clean eating recipes, vegan protein powder and chia seeds. I don’t follow just celebs on Instagram anymore; I follow raw food companies and fitness personalities. I don't exercise to look at the scales and obsess about weight anymore, I exercise to be a fitter, stronger, healthier me. This is a brand new me. Thank you.
Close StoryIf I had to describe BUF Girls in two words they would be “amazing” and “community”! BUF embodies a collective group of positive women (trainers and clients alike) who aim to inspire, encourage, support and most importantly make workouts FUN…since joining over a year ago I haven’t looked back! I’ve always been interested in health and fitness, and was a ...

My Story
If I had to describe BUF Girls in two words they would be “amazing” and “community”! BUF embodies a collective group of positive women (trainers and clients alike) who aim to inspire, encourage, support and most importantly make workouts FUN...since joining over a year ago I haven’t looked back!
I’ve always been interested in health and fitness, and was a keen gym-goer / boot-camper back in London before I arrived in Sydney 18 months ago. I initially joined BUF on their one week trial deal (which is incredible value btw!) and can honestly say that I was immediately hooked. Training on the beach/grass as the sun rises over beautiful Bondi Beach gets me every day – magic! This, coupled with fun, varied, challenging work-outs and a super-friendly motivational group of girls is the perfect combo in my eyes.
There are various different training sessions and most are themed to keep things interesting and fun – there’s always lots of laughter through the pain! Importantly BUF’s ethos isn’t at the expense of the quality and informative nature of the sessions – the trainers encourage everyone to push their limits, using the newest training equipment/techniques available whilst also providing clients with the “science” behind the work-outs.
Training sessions aside, BUF also shares lots of health, lifestyle and wellbeing info via its well-researched blog posts and various “challenges” such as the annual Bikini Challenge and specific programs such as Detox or Elite Training. It’s these inventive additional benefits that help keep me on track, keep me motivated and in my opinion, set BUF apart from other fitness providers.
My fitness has improved hugely, I’m noticing differences in my body shape and most importantly training makes me happy and I’ve made some amazing inspirational friends – what more could a girl want?! Chocolate...?! Well BUF even holds awesome social events (recent highlights include the BUF Wellness Retreat and Christmas / Valentine’s Day work-outs) which always include healthy chocolatey treats and sometimes even wine!
Suffice to say, I HEART BUF! Xxx
Close StoryI have been looking for something to inspire me back in to exercise after an injury forced me to stop. From the outset, I found the BUF Girls mentality to be really motivating. It is not just about looks, but feeling healthy and I think that is something that is really important for us women! The LBD course is great. ...

My Story
I have been looking for something to inspire me back in to exercise after an injury forced me to stop. From the outset, I found the BUF Girls mentality to be really motivating. It is not just about looks, but feeling healthy and I think that is something that is really important for us women!
The LBD course is great. It is varied and keeps things interesting and it will make you sore in all the right places! Also the morning email from Sian makes it just that much easier to get out of bed, even when your abs are still on fire from the day before!
Close StoryI started the LBD program while travelling for work and found them super convenient but also incredibly tough! All the bodyweight exercises target the areas I try to focus on – especially toned arms, slim legs, and a sexy bum. The best thing was that each workout was intense but only lasted for 30 minutes, making it easy to smash ...

My Story
I started the LBD program while travelling for work and found them super convenient but also incredibly tough! All the bodyweight exercises target the areas I try to focus on - especially toned arms, slim legs, and a sexy bum. The best thing was that each workout was intense but only lasted for 30 minutes, making it easy to smash out before getting into work. I think my favourite workout was probably the first - classic Coco Chanel. After that I was hooked and by the end of the program I felt stronger, fitter, and ready to rock all the dresses in my wardrobe.
Close StoryWell… This program totally kicked my butt into gear – I absolutely LOVED the Hollywood workouts. I’m usually quite a fit and active gal but recently my ability to stay committed to fitness has slipped a bit… Which is obviously where my BUF Girls come in! With a company Gala Ball around the corner and a beautiful dress to feel rockin’ ...

My Story
Well... This program totally kicked my butt into gear - I absolutely LOVED the Hollywood workouts. I'm usually quite a fit and active gal but recently my ability to stay committed to fitness has slipped a bit... Which is obviously where my BUF Girls come in! With a company Gala Ball around the corner and a beautiful dress to feel rockin' in, this program was perfect for me. Not only did it keep me on track every day by sending me easy-to-follow workouts, but it also made me sweat hard and remember why being healthy is so super important. More energy, more me-time, more endorphins, more confidence. Thanks Cass & the BUF Girls!
Close StoryI absolutely loved the Hollywood Body program! Getting bite-sized pieces of nutritional inspiration each day was the best way to make small changes, one step at a time! The recipes allowed me to easily substitute food I love (bread!) with healthy alternatives (paleo loaf- yum!), without feeling like I was missing out. They were simple, easy-to-follow, but best of all, tasted ...

My Story
I absolutely loved the Hollywood Body program! Getting bite-sized pieces of nutritional inspiration each day was the best way to make small changes, one step at a time! The recipes allowed me to easily substitute food I love (bread!) with healthy alternatives (paleo loaf- yum!), without feeling like I was missing out. They were simple, easy-to-follow, but best of all, tasted great!
My favourite part of the program, however was most definitely the workouts! Short, sharp and intense, it was easy to fit them into my daily routine. Most importantly though, they were fun! I felt challenged, motivated and never bored. Regular communications from the BUF team made me feel supported and part of a wider community of healthy, motivated and caring women!
Close StoryI started the Hollywood Body program as I needed a kickstart in my health and fitness journey after having a baby four months ago and needing to get ready for a big event! The workouts are intense, fun and quick! They have helped me get back to my pre-pregnancy fitness level without spending too much time away from my Bub. I ...

My Story
I started the Hollywood Body program as I needed a kickstart in my health and fitness journey after having a baby four months ago and needing to get ready for a big event! The workouts are intense, fun and quick! They have helped me get back to my pre-pregnancy fitness level without spending too much time away from my Bub. I would recommend the program to anyone who wants to get fit and feel amazing!
Close StoryI loved the small digestible pieces of information provided daily that really get you thinking about your body and what works best for you. Also cannot forget how amazing the Facebook group is and all the inspiring girls along on the journey with you! The program also teaches you to embrace being more active, leading to me go on more outdoor adventures!

My Story
Bree B -
3 Words to describe the BUF Body program?
Motivational, FUN, Achievable
What was your fave part of the journey?
I loved the small digestible pieces of information provided daily that really get you thinking about your body and what works best for you. Also cannot forget how amazing the Facebook group is and all the inspiring girls along on the journey with you! The program also teaches you to embrace being more active, leading to me go on more outdoor adventures!
And the most challenging part?
The first week is definitely the hardest because although you've decided to stick to a program, it's hard to break some habits, like sneaking into the timtam jar at work for that 3pm fix!
Any fave recipes?
EVERYTHING! They're all so simple to prep for the week. I love good food and found that every recipe was jam-packed of flavour yet so healthy, such a win-win!
How did you motivate yourself to follow the program and workout at home?
I committed to the program by changing my mindset and realising that the only way to change my habits was to stick to something new. I think knowing that other girls are along the journey with you and thinking about them really motivates you to wake up and get going on those days you're feeling less motivated.
Did you network with any other BUF girls on the FB page? And if so, how did it benefit you?
YES! I'm a true BUF Girl and have been going to Bootcamp in Bondi for 3 years with the BUF Girls so i love to help newbies out and tell them things that have helped me in the past. The FB page is an amazing spot for like-minded girls to come together and support one another and cheer for every little achievement someone makes.
Any tips for newbies to the program?
Stick to it! It may be hard to start, but by the end you'll be bouncing off the walls!
Prior to joining BUF, I had been a member of the gym for years and years and was always an avid runner (having done half marathons/ marathons/ crazy charity runs) but I never really knew what to do with myself outside the cardio space. I struggled with feeling like I had to do a lot of exercise to see any ...

My Story
Prior to joining BUF, I had been a member of the gym for years and years and was always an avid runner (having done half marathons/ marathons/ crazy charity runs) but I never really knew what to do with myself outside the cardio space. I struggled with feeling like I had to do a lot of exercise to see any effect or results, and I was really bored of the same old gym classes (Body Pump etc.). To be honest my routine wasn’t doing much for my self-confidence, so I really felt I needed a new challenge. Having recently moved to Sydney from London I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try something new.
Before attending my first session I was a little bit nervous as every bootcamp I’d been to in the past was relatively intimidating (people & trainers alike) and I had never gone back after the first session. My first class was circuit with the fabulous Cass (on a very rainy Bondi evening, where I was the only one to show up!), and I felt the workout had really challenged me in a good way days after. It was then that I knew this was going to be some pretty effective and challenging stuff. I went on to try boxing in that first week; where again, everyone was very welcoming and supportive. I was given a crash course in how to punch properly and the rest, as they say, is history!
I now try to make the BUF classes 4 times a week (a little bit addicted) – the combination of morning & evening classes easily fits around my busy work schedule - and it’s really made a difference to my fitness. My outlook on health/weight has improved and most importantly my body confidence has improved. Seeing myself get stronger and less “special” at doing chest to floor burpees and push ups week by week has been really rewarding. More than that, it feels like I’ve become part of a really accepting, special community of women who all do it for the love of being BUF, rather than achieving a certain shape/size. This is all led by some amazingly energetic trainers who clearly love what they do and not only design killer workouts but make sure they know their BUF girls. I’d highly recommend it to anyone and promise that it’s really worthwhile for all levels of fitness!
Close StoryI recently moved to Bondi from Sweden as a way of following my dreams and heart. After a tough 2015 with two family members passing away, I was not in a good place physically or mentally. Moving to Australia has helped me, but joining BUF Girls is what has made the biggest difference. The girls who run BUF spread so ...

My Story
I recently moved to Bondi from Sweden as a way of following my dreams and heart. After a tough 2015 with two family members passing away, I was not in a good place physically or mentally. Moving to Australia has helped me, but joining BUF Girls is what has made the biggest difference. The girls who run BUF spread so much happiness and love at the same time as pushing you to be the best you can be when it comes to training. My view on training has changed entirely, its now fun, possible and something I look forward to! Training has finally become a routine and part of my everyday life. I’m the happiest and fittest I have ever been. Thanks girls for getting me through a tough time and pushing me harder every session and blessing my days with so much positivity and fun.
Close StoryBUF has given me a healthy addiction to fitness. Before I started working out with the BUF team, getting up early to train was a real struggle. I never saw morning training before work as an option for me. My days are so busy that I couldn’t find the time to workout as much as I wanted to. Now I ...

My Story
BUF has given me a healthy addiction to fitness. Before I started working out with the BUF team, getting up early to train was a real struggle. I never saw morning training before work as an option for me. My days are so busy that I couldn't find the time to workout as much as I wanted to. Now I look forward to getting up early and working out in the sand as the sun comes up on Bondi Beach. I've discovered the most beautiful part of the day in the most picturesque gym in the world!
I signed up for a few sessions a week but I quickly changed to unlimited because I wanted more. Each session is different, creative and fun. The trainers always mix it up so you never get bored. The trainers are awesome too. I feel inspired by their passion, positive and individual approach. My whole day is more productive and I have more energy all day long. BUF has truly transformed my body and mind.
Close StoryBUF has completely changed my life! Not only has it helped me shed the kilos with brilliantly fun bootcamp sessions, it’s taught me a whole new way of life in terms of food and nutrition. But for me, I think the best part of the whole BUF experience, has been meeting such amazing like-minded people who will now, I’m pretty ...

My Story
BUF has completely changed my life! Not only has it helped me shed the kilos with brilliantly fun bootcamp sessions, it's taught me a whole new way of life in terms of food and nutrition. But for me, I think the best part of the whole BUF experience, has been meeting such amazing like-minded people who will now, I'm pretty sure, be my lifelong friends.
Close StoryHaving never exercised in the UK, I was pretty apprehensive about joining BUF. Two years on, I go to a class almost every day and can’t imagine what I would do without it. Imagine starting your day watching a beautiful sunrise on the beach with a group of like-minded girls who are there to have fun and take time out ...

My Story
Having never exercised in the UK, I was pretty apprehensive about joining BUF. Two years on, I go to a class almost every day and can’t imagine what I would do without it. Imagine starting your day watching a beautiful sunrise on the beach with a group of like-minded girls who are there to have fun and take time out from the stress of everyday life. There is no judgement, bitchiness or competition – just an amazing sense of community, lots of laughs and to top it all off, personalised advice from the most amazing trainers. Their encouragement drives hard work without fear. Forget the apprehensive and give BUF a go, I promise you won’t regret it.
Close StoryI’ve been with BUF for 3 years now and it has seriously transformed my entire life. From the friendships I’ve made to my love of exercise and waking up at 5, my days without BUF are seriously unimaginable! BUF has taught me to live a healthy, balanced life and to be able to enjoy exercise with themed workouts and fun ...

My Story
I've been with BUF for 3 years now and it has seriously transformed my entire life. From the friendships I've made to my love of exercise and waking up at 5, my days without BUF are seriously unimaginable! BUF has taught me to live a healthy, balanced life and to be able to enjoy exercise with themed workouts and fun moves when I used to think of exercise as a chore. Seeing the smiling faces of my favourite trainers every morning and having them invested in your life and journey really motivate you to seriously be the best version of yourself you can be. BUF and I are in a seriously long-term and committed relationship and we are never breaking up!! Even when I'm away, access to their Facebook groups provide inspiration and motivation from girls worldwide who provide a constant source of yummy recipes and inspiration. I Love BUF!!!!!!
Close StoryJoining BUF Sholhaven was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made. I recently moved to the area, was struggling to find a way of making friends and my health was rapidly declining. I finally reached out to the beautiful owner, Tracey for guidance. She oozed professionalism, support and enthusiasm! Making the decision to join BUF all ...

My Story
Joining BUF Sholhaven was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made. I recently moved to the area, was struggling to find a way of making friends and my health was rapidly declining. I finally reached out to the beautiful owner, Tracey for guidance. She oozed professionalism, support and enthusiasm! Making the decision to join BUF all that much easier!
I remember how nervous and self-conscious I was before my first BUF session. When I arrived I received a big, warm and welcoming smile! The exercises were explained in simple terms and Tracey was incredibly helpful in tailoring exercises to suit me. Before I knew it, I had finished my first BUF session! Heck, how did that happen?
Tracey and I then closely worked on my goals and my nutrition. She provided a very thorough review of my food journal and clearly took the time to be very generous in her tips. I honestly was overwhelmed with this chick’s effort! She was the first person in a very long time to show a vested interest in me, she made me feel worth it, she made me feel inspired and most of it all she gave me the confidence to believe that I could do this! I could take control of my healthiness and happiness and for that I am forever grateful.
My journey with BUF has been an amazing experience! It is a wonderful, supportive group of beautiful ladies. Each session offers a new challenge, new exercises, new faces, new triumphs and new laughs!! It is a group where I feel safe to be myself, a place where I am not judged rather I am encouraged by my fellow bufettes to strive for success! And if I am ever in doubt, I know the trainers are only a text away to provide information, answer my silly questions, help me ‘calm my farm’ and keep me motivated. Every message I have ever sent has always been treated with the utmost importance… WOW. I am important, they do care, they are there for me, how incredible is that?!
Tracey, Geraldine and the team are nothing short than wonderful. They are professional, vibrant, supportive and most importantly they are REAL.
I am so proud to say that I am a ‘BUF’ girl and I honestly cannot praise it enough. BUF has guided my nutrition, unearthed my inner strength, pushed me to my limits (and then some more) and shown me how to unlock and control my health.
Join BUF today, you will not be disappointed.
Close StoryBUF has been one of the BEST things that has happened to me! I’m sooo addicted to fitness now when I’m normally a very lazy person.! I just can’t get enough! HIGHLY recommend to all the lazy people that want to get fit! I just seriously want to do BUF for the rest of my life! Just because it’s so ...

My Story
BUF has been one of the BEST things that has happened to me! I'm sooo addicted to fitness now when I'm normally a very lazy person.! I just can't get enough! HIGHLY recommend to all the lazy people that want to get fit! I just seriously want to do BUF for the rest of my life! Just because it's so fun!
Close StoryAmazing trainers, amazing motivation. Work with you as they want results for me as much as me. Highly recommended. Come and have a try.

My Story
Amazing trainers, amazing motivation. Work with you as they want results for me as much as me. Highly recommended. Come and have a try.
Close StoryI’ve definitely found I’ve become more toned since I’ve started with BUF it’s amazing!! And I want to keep looking and feeling this way!

My Story
I've definitely found I've become more toned since I've started with BUF it's amazing!! And I want to keep looking and feeling this way!
Close StoryI really love BUF and am so grateful for everything you do! It’s so fun and I always look forward to it. Never before have I been able to be so consistent with exercise for a long period- I always wear my body out (running) or get bored (running and the gym). I really am looking and feeling my best ...

My Story
I really love BUF and am so grateful for everything you do! It's so fun and I always look forward to it. Never before have I been able to be so consistent with exercise for a long period- I always wear my body out (running) or get bored (running and the gym). I really am looking and feeling my best ever, and it feels easy to maintain, so I'm REALLY grateful, thank you! What particularly made me realise is when I was wedding dress shopping at the weekend- it was so much fun, as I was confident in my body to try any style, and they looked good! Thanks BUF Manly!!
Close StoryI don’t even know where to start. BUF Manly was hands down the best workouts I’ve ever had. Not only did I get a solid workout every time, I actually looked forward to them every morning. Cathy is an amazing, innovative, and super creative leader to a team that just keeps getting better and better. I’m back in Canada now ...

My Story
I don't even know where to start. BUF Manly was hands down the best workouts I've ever had. Not only did I get a solid workout every time, I actually looked forward to them every morning. Cathy is an amazing, innovative, and super creative leader to a team that just keeps getting better and better. I'm back in Canada now sadly as I know I'll never find anything as good as BUF Manly. I would recommend Cathy and her awesome team any day of the week for any fitness level- just be ready to have a ton of fun and meet some pretty neat ladies!
Close StoryWho would have thought workouts could be fun?! I’ve been training with BUF for 6 months now and I still look forward to getting out of bed for my morning workouts in the park or on the beach. I’m in the best shape of my life thanks to the amazing support network of Cathy and the rest of the BUF ...

My Story
Who would have thought workouts could be fun?! I've been training with BUF for 6 months now and I still look forward to getting out of bed for my morning workouts in the park or on the beach. I'm in the best shape of my life thanks to the amazing support network of Cathy and the rest of the BUF girls and have made some great friends along the way. I would definitely recommend ditching the gym and joining us...#BUFGIRLFORLIFE
Close StoryBUF is an awesome way to start the day! If you like tough workouts that will also have you laughing throughout with the wonderful BUF girls, then this is for you. BUF isn’t just a boot camp but a community of awesome ladies. It’s the people as much as the workouts that get me out of bed! Cathy and her ...

My Story
BUF is an awesome way to start the day! If you like tough workouts that will also have you laughing throughout with the wonderful BUF girls, then this is for you. BUF isn't just a boot camp but a community of awesome ladies. It's the people as much as the workouts that get me out of bed! Cathy and her trainers gives each of us their personal touch, ensuring we each get the most out of our workouts. I started BUF with an arm injury that had me doing very little. Training at BUF gave me the support I needed to train hard and return from injury safely and as strong as ever. Thanks ladies xx
Close StoryI have to be honest. I have always hated exercise. Don’t get me wrong, I love riding my bike, swimming and being outdoors but the thought of running or throwing weights around has always made me cringe. I grew up with huge boobs which held me back from so many activities. 3 years ago I got them reduced and thought, ...

My Story
I have to be honest. I have always hated exercise. Don't get me wrong, I love riding my bike, swimming and being outdoors but the thought of running or throwing weights around has always made me cringe. I grew up with huge boobs which held me back from so many activities. 3 years ago I got them reduced and thought, this is my time. I need to get active! I have so much chest freedom! Still I struggled to get motivated. I joined some gyms and had a really nice time but I realised I cannot stand being indoors. We live so close to the beach, why am I hanging out indoors?
I knew about the Buf Girls and decided to see what they were all about. Shelley had mentioned coming along sooooo many times. So to stop her from bugging me I thought righto, I will get a $10 pass and try every class for a week. (Love you Shell!) It was the middle of last winter.. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! 5:30am freezing cold on my first morning down at Merewether Baths. I was so embarrassed. I'm a terrible runner and Brit made us run around the baths and that was just a warmup. I was cold, bad at running and I didn't know anyone. All I could think about was all the girls judging me. As soon as the warm up was over we were told to partner up and every girl offered to be my partner. Every girl introduced themselves and asked me where I was from. Every girl encouraged me when I complained about feeling like a baked potato. Every girl high fived me at the end of my first sesh. I went in feeling all the wrong feels and finished surrounded by all the RIGHT feels!
I went back every day for 6 days!! Honestly I tried all the classes. It took only one week for me to become a member. I picked the classes I enjoyed most and work my week around them. I especially love boxing. Looking forward to Saturday boxing class at Nobby's can sometimes be the only thing that gets me through my week! We have now reached summer and after most classes we get to jump in the ocean afterwards! What better reward is there? I can't lie. It's hard. Some days I think, OMG I can't run another metre. Some days I think, why would you make me do this? Some days I wish the ground would open up and take all the sand so I never have to do another damn burpee tuck jump on it!!! But then I do it and I feel beyond amazing afterwards. There are not enough kind words to describe the women I get to spend my mornings with. Everyone is amazing. It's the strangest feeling. Sometimes I think, how have I lived in Newcastle this long and not had these women in my life?
I am so much fitter and my body shape has changed (which is super weird) - This is just the beginning for me; I have so much work to do. Like change my eating habits etc, but you can't do everything all at once right? Only this week we were running on the sand and I felt like I couldn't go on. Thankfully, one of the girls was next to me and said "Come on, we can do this together" - and that got me to the end. It's funny how much we can motivate each other. This year I have set some goals and Britt, Shell and the other trainers will keep me accountable! I look forward to this!
Thank you BUF for being part of my every day. Thank you to all the ladies who make my mornings bright. Thank you to all of the trainers for inspiring us to become strong, amazing females
Close StoryBUF really has changed my life! When I first joined, my fitness and overall eating habits were not good. I was going to the gym but I wasn’t consistent as it wasn’t enjoyable. I didn’t understand how the food I was eating connected to the way I felt with highly processed carbs and sugar impacting on my mood. Since joining ...

My Story
BUF really has changed my life! When I first joined, my fitness and overall eating habits were not good. I was going to the gym but I wasn’t consistent as it wasn’t enjoyable. I didn’t understand how the food I was eating connected to the way I felt with highly processed carbs and sugar impacting on my mood.
Since joining BUF the changes in my overall health and wellbeing have been amazing. The difference that BUF has that sets it apart from the gym and other fitness groups is the fun, supportive environment and sound nutritional guidance.
The classes are fun and challenging in a good way, and the girls make the workout fun rather than a chore. Mon and the team have been there to answer any question I have ever had and I’m truly thankful for their ongoing support. By attending classes and listening to guidance I am now much more healthy and fit than I was when I was younger.
Close StoryBUF Newcastle has absolutely changed my life for the better. Nowhere else have I found such a supportive group of girls who make exercising the most fun part of my day. The amazing down-to-earth trainers know when to push us and know when we need to rest. They encourage us to listen to our bodies and are all about being ...

My Story
BUF Newcastle has absolutely changed my life for the better. Nowhere else have I found such a supportive group of girls who make exercising the most fun part of my day. The amazing down-to-earth trainers know when to push us and know when we need to rest. They encourage us to listen to our bodies and are all about being realistic. Mon and Brit have been instrumental in helping me achieve my fitness goals and I would highly recommend BUF! Newcastle to every single one of my friends. I’m so happy I found such an amazing group of girls to train with!
The BUF Body challenge is an incredibly motivating and exciting experience! I’ve always been active, but my eating habits have held me back from being a healthy as I can. The challenge gave me all the tools I needed to get my eating back on track – countless bits of useful information and guides to clean and healthy eating that explain WHY you’re doing it.
The support network was also amazing! With over 200 like-minded girls on the Facebook page, plus the girls you train with, there are plenty of people willing to help you when you fall, motivate you to keep going and celebrate your wins! The trainers are in-the-know and willing to answer any question, no matter how trivial. Plus, they’re pretty awesome people too.
Close StoryMy BUF journey started nearly 2 years ago. I arrived at BUF, a Mum of two – very overweight and having participated in no exercise in years. I knew that I needed to make some huge changes to my lifestyle for me and my kids, and I really wanted them to stick. The day of my first Mum’s session I ...

My Story
My BUF journey started nearly 2 years ago. I arrived at BUF, a Mum of two - very overweight and having participated in no exercise in years. I knew that I needed to make some huge changes to my lifestyle for me and my kids, and I really wanted them to stick.
The day of my first Mum's session I was browsing Facebook in my car before the session began. I saw a post of the morning crew running Merewether Stairs and promptly drove home, without even getting out of the car. How could I seriously believe that this kind of thing was for a person like me? Somehow, I managed to talk myself around and later that week actually attended my first session.
From that moment I was hooked. The workouts were hard, but the trainers were able to give me alternatives to any of the moves that I was really struggling with. Any questions I had in regards to working out, nutrition or anything in between were answered with knowledge and best of all passion. Beyond any of this was the feeling of community that I received from not only the trainers, but the other girls that were training. I never felt judged or belittled, I felt completely supported, accepted and inspired. Some of the girls I met on my first day have become my life long friends.
Over the last 2 years I have achieved so much. My lifestyle is unrecognisable - from working out most days, to my diet which was transformed after completing the BUF Body program. I am a much healthier weight and have a stronger, fitter body & even more importantly mind. I am so grateful for Brit, Shell and all the BUF Girls, my life would be so much less amazing without them all.
AND GUESS WHAT! Now I look at the BUF Girls Facebook posts and see ME running up Merewether Stairs!
Close StoryMy BUF journey started at a pretty dire stage for me. I was extremely depressed, hated myself, hated life and I would have been classified as morbidly obese. I allowed a medical condition that I had been diagnosed at 12 to defy me, and I used this as an excuse whilst allowing other factors such as stress and unhealthy habits ...

My Story
My BUF journey started at a pretty dire stage for me. I was extremely depressed, hated myself, hated life and I would have been classified as morbidly obese. I allowed a medical condition that I had been diagnosed at 12 to defy me, and I used this as an excuse whilst allowing other factors such as stress and unhealthy habits to take over. I would look at every aspect of my life as a poor me scenario and why me – the glass was completely empty and I wanted to smash it.
I had tried every diet and quick fix out there – not eating, purging, and pills to fix me. I had nothing else to do or try, or so I thought. I came to the realisation that no one would do it for me and I needed to do this for the long haul. I was not stable and was not the best person I could be for myself or my family and this is not what I wanted my daughter to think was ok.
After researching and talking to some friends I decided BUF was the option best for me. I needed a supportive friendly environment to workout. I organised for my husband to drop me to my first sessions so that I couldn’t find an excuse not to turn. It was the most physical activity I had done in years, I barely made it through the warm up. The session was tough but I enjoyed it. I had been to other bootcamps and training sessions that demotivate and name call to inspire you which only made me sink lower and not turn up again – so this positive encouraging atmosphere was new to me.
I made a commitment to myself after that first session that I would change and I would be better than I was the day before. I turned up every day – I was still the slowest but I didn’t care. I was consistent, inspired and gently pushed by the girls to get better and faster which I did. I had discussed a lot of my obstacles and struggles with all of the trainers so that I could work through these – I needed someone on my side and needed the support to get me through. The girls worked with me on ways of overcoming my short falls and getting my mindset more positive.
I started out making daily goals as I couldn’t commit too far in the future on the whim of failure, so I started with “Today I will train, eat healthy and see the good in my day”. Once I was able to do this everyday I started looking at weekly goals pushing myself harder at training rather than staying within my comfort zone.
Weight loss was the most important thing when I started. I would jump on the scales every day, sometimes 3–4 times a day. The girls would talk to me about this obsession with numbers on a scale, and explained how a healthy dose of self-love and a commitment to a realistic and sustainable healthy lifestyle, would serve me better.
The weight has shifted, I am toned and I love seeing the world through my eyes now.
I am a true BUF believer. I have gained life long friendships from my fellow BUF girls and trainers. I have a positive mind that allows me to achieve goals as big as I want them to be. I love the trainers, they work so hard in the overall improvement of everyone, the sessions are well planned to ensure it works for all levels of fitness while ensuring that the technique is always correct. I love that I can go for a laugh and sweat with my girls and leave feeling exhausted and accomplished. I look forward to training, I know when I get there I will challenged and rewarded with small milestones and goals I am smashing. I’m disappointed when I can’t attend a class – I’m addicted and loving every minute of it!
I now create my own happiness and no I didn’t read that on a Lorna Jane singlet, this is the person I was meant to be.
Close StoryNothing like waking up in the morning and knowing that even though it’s tough to leave your warm bed, you’re going to workout with your BUF girls, have a laugh and feel amazing after. I still can’t believe how much I have changed! For the first time, I feel comfortable wearing shorts and swimmers and I don’t hate my body. ...

My Story
Nothing like waking up in the morning and knowing that even though it’s tough to leave your warm bed, you’re going to workout with your BUF girls, have a laugh and feel amazing after.
I still can’t believe how much I have changed! For the first time, I feel comfortable wearing shorts and swimmers and I don’t hate my body. You have helped me to change my mindset as well – food doesn’t control me anymore! I always hated exercising, especially running and just the idea made me cringe, but now I absolutely love it. The girls we train with are amazing and so silly that it makes me forget that we’re sweating up a storm. I’ve grown to love burpees and squats, and I am now constantly challenging myself.
Close StoryI joined BUF Newcastle when my second baby was four months old. I had maintained a reasonable level of fitness throughout my pregnancy but was finding it very difficult to get out of the house with a toddler and newborn, and I wanted to feel fit again… From my very first session where I was greeted by Brittany’s beaming smile, ...

My Story
I joined BUF Newcastle when my second baby was four months old. I had maintained a reasonable level of fitness throughout my pregnancy but was finding it very difficult to get out of the house with a toddler and newborn, and I wanted to feel fit again…
From my very first session where I was greeted by Brittany’s beaming smile, I felt welcomed into a wonderful group of women - and I loved that my children were so well cared for while I had the opportunity to exercise.
Although I didn’t have any specific health goals when I joined BUF, I found that within 12 months I was the fittest I had ever been. My previous fitness regime had been predominantly jogging and walking, so it felt great to add in some weights, interval training and boxing, under the guidance of amazing trainers who are particularly knowledgeable about the needs of women and mothers.
The BUF community is welcoming, inspiring and a whole lot of fun! The sessions are often a highlight of my day and I now can’t imagine my life without BUF.
Close StoryMy attitude and outlook on health and exercise has totally changed since joining BUF Newcastle. The husband thinks BUF has been brilliant for me and my self-esteem. Mon has provided me with the confidence to exercise and positive motivation to keep me focused and on track. Thanks to Mon and BUF I’m on my way to achieving my long-term health ...

My Story
My attitude and outlook on health and exercise has totally changed since joining BUF Newcastle. The husband thinks BUF has been brilliant for me and my self-esteem. Mon has provided me with the confidence to exercise and positive motivation to keep me focused and on track. Thanks to Mon and BUF I’m on my way to achieving my long-term health and fitness goals.
Close StoryI waited until my late 30s to find exercise. I had NEVER exercised EVER, and normally found an excuse to avoid it! I don’t know what made me look into BUF, but I am so glad I did! When I started out, I had no level of fitness whatsoever and 20+ extra kilos to carry around. I never thought group ...

My Story
I waited until my late 30s to find exercise. I had NEVER exercised EVER, and normally found an excuse to avoid it! I don’t know what made me look into BUF, but I am so glad I did!
When I started out, I had no level of fitness whatsoever and 20+ extra kilos to carry around. I never thought group fitness would be for me, however there was never any judgement, just encouragement and support.
I’ve achieved my weight goals and have never, ever, been this fit.
I have learnt so much, tested myself in ways I never thought I would or could, made friends for life and have become a version of myself that I never knew existed.
Mon and her crew of trainers are friendly, knowledgeable, encouraging, and supportive, sessions are never boring and you’re always guaranteed of a laugh or three!
Close StorySigning up to BUF Bride is hands down one of the best decisions I’ve made. I joined BUF Bride in the lead up to my wedding in the hope of toning up and losing a few kilos. Not only did I achieve that goal, I woke up on my wedding day feeling fit, strong, and amazing! The BUF Bride energy ...

My Story
Signing up to BUF Bride is hands down one of the best decisions I've made. I joined BUF Bride in the lead up to my wedding in the hope of toning up and losing a few kilos. Not only did I achieve that goal, I woke up on my wedding day feeling fit, strong, and amazing! The BUF Bride energy is addictive and I loved every minute!
Close StoryI am loving the program! I love it because it’s not too strict and I’ve found it easy to follow as I started to ween off coffee, and sugar just before I started and I’ve been gluten free and off diary for years. After taking the extra step though I am feeling amazing. I do slip up at times though ...

My Story
I am loving the program! I love it because it's not too strict and I've found it easy to follow as I started to ween off coffee, and sugar just before I started and I've been gluten free and off diary for years. After taking the extra step though I am feeling amazing. I do slip up at times though so it's (the program) made me much more focussed. I love all of the work outs, tips and expert advice and bridal reminders. It's awesome and I'll definitely recommend it to others.
I only have a month to go and I would love to lean and tone right up for the day so can use all the help I can get 🙂
Loving it Cass. You've done an awesome job with the program and provide the perfect positive support. Always with a smile!!
Close StoryLoving the program, the nutritional advice is awesome and much easier than having to stick to a strict nutrition plan, I have actually learnt something that will last!

My Story
Loving the program, the nutritional advice is awesome and much easier than having to stick to a strict nutrition plan, I have actually learnt something that will last!
Close StoryBefore BUF Girls I was going to the gym once a week if i was lucky. I always blamed work and life for no time. BUF Look Good Naked got me exercising every day. The workouts are quick and easy to learn and the type of exercises I love without lots of equipment! The program changed the way I eat, the way I live, ...

My Story
Fiona Lamont - NSW, AUSTRALIA
Before BUF Girls I was going to the gym once a week if i was lucky. I always blamed work and life for no time. BUF Look Good Naked got me exercising every day. The workouts are quick and easy to learn and the type of exercises I love without lots of equipment!
The program changed the way I eat, the way I live, my energy levels and my libido came back without taking vitamin supplements. I now exercise at least 3 - 5 days a week and when I don't, I miss it. I also eat breakfast now (not just toast or coffee). I don't eat the sneaky treats or as many of them and i drink more water and have discovered I like almond and coconut milk.
I'd really recommend this program to people who work long hours and can't fit in long gym sessions, or mums like me as it can fit into your life. The workouts are quick but best of all kids can do some of them. My 4 year old likes the jumping ones and my 8 year old tries to do the push ups!
Close StoryWe started BUF last November and invited our office team to attend. We have 6 out of 12 turning up and most of us are addicted now. Tracey, Geraldine and their team always seem to come up with some new circuit or exercise that leaves us feeling like we have really achieved something each session. The challenges are always bigger ...

My Story
We started BUF last November and invited our office team to attend. We have 6 out of 12 turning up and most of us are addicted now. Tracey, Geraldine and their team always seem to come up with some new circuit or exercise that leaves us feeling like we have really achieved something each session. The challenges are always bigger as our fitness improves. I remember one session where we did over 1000 repetitions across 10 exercises. Amazing! Personally my strength has improved enormously and I have much more energy. My summer weekends are spent at the surf club with my daughters and this has become much easier with my improved fitness.
Close StoryBUF New Farm are a motivated and dedicated team. Thea has inspired and guided me and helped me find my love for exercise and passion for healthy living. My life is transformed. I feel beautiful and I love going. The thing I love most about BUF Brisbane is the community it holds and how the workouts are so creative and ...

My Story
Meg P. - Brisbane, QLD
BUF New Farm are a motivated and dedicated team. Thea has inspired and guided me and helped me find my love for exercise and passion for healthy living. My life is transformed. I feel beautiful and I love going. The thing I love most about BUF Brisbane is the community it holds and how the workouts are so creative and uniquely designed for women. I love it and will be forever grateful.
Close StoryThea is an enthusiastic and dedicated trainer who is compassionate in helping people reach beyond their potential. She has an ability to motivate people in a supportive and an encouraging way. Having been coached by Thea, I have had the opportunity to increase my performance both mentally and physically. Since joining BUF Brisbane I have had the confidence to set ...

My Story
Kate B. - Brisbane, QLD
Thea is an enthusiastic and dedicated trainer who is compassionate in helping people reach beyond their potential. She has an ability to motivate people in a supportive and an encouraging way. Having been coached by Thea, I have had the opportunity to increase my performance both mentally and physically. Since joining BUF Brisbane I have had the confidence to set and achieve goals with consistent encouragement and dedication by the team. Thanks to BUF I am motivated and confident in my ability to live a healthy, happy lifestyle across all realms of my life.
Close StoryWe love BUF because it is different to all other fitness brands and businesses. It focusses on the whole person and how to make them healthy and well, not just training hard and ignoring all else. The energy, inspiration and creativity that comes from the head BUF Girls is excellent, sitting alongside having some of your own freedom to bring ...

My Story
Shelley L. - BUF Newcastle
We love BUF because it is different to all other fitness brands and businesses. It focusses on the whole person and how to make them healthy and well, not just training hard and ignoring all else. The energy, inspiration and creativity that comes from the head BUF Girls is excellent, sitting alongside having some of your own freedom to bring your personality and skills to the table as well. The content is standout, there are blog posts, workouts, online programs and more. An endless supply of information to send to your clients to help them get the most out of their wellness journey!
Close StoryI didn’t really know where to start with opening my own business. I didn’t have the know how or the tools to even begin! I loved the fact that there was a clear outline from the beginning of what I needed to do, all the logistics were laid out and then on top of that there was a lot of ...

My Story
Cathy M. - BUF Manly and Balmoral
I didn't really know where to start with opening my own business. I didn't have the know how or the tools to even begin! I loved the fact that there was a clear outline from the beginning of what I needed to do, all the logistics were laid out and then on top of that there was a lot of support and advice of how to actually grow the business. I run Manly largely on my own at the moment and there have been times where running a business can get a bit lonely so I love having the connection to a bigger brand and team to bounce ideas off, asking advice from and sometimes just have a rant if there are things I'm struggling with!! It's the best of both worlds. I get to run my own business and think for myself but have support and a team to work with as well!
Close StoryI love that BUF Girls has such a good brand and feel. Its something everyone likes to be a part of and even though we are all running our own business (I always wanted to run my own business) we are all part of the same thing, and striving towards the same goal.. helping women everywhere love themselves.

My Story
Tracey P. - BUF Shoalhaven
I love that BUF Girls has such a good brand and feel. Its something everyone likes to be a part of and even though we are all running our own business (I always wanted to run my own business) we are all part of the same thing, and striving towards the same goal.. helping women everywhere love themselves.
Close StoryWhen you start up and operate a BUF Girls location it’s like inheriting another family. It’s SO much more than simply running a group fitness program. BUF is all about community and it’s the most joyful ‘job’ I’ve ever had. Having always wanted to run my own outdoor training program, it wasn’t until I found BUF that I took the ...

My Story
Thea D. - New Farm, Brisbane
When you start up and operate a BUF Girls location it's like inheriting another family. It's SO much more than simply running a group fitness program. BUF is all about community and it's the most joyful 'job' I've ever had. Having always wanted to run my own outdoor training program, it wasn't until I found BUF that I took the plunge. The support networks, the resources and the family feel are some of the aspects I love the most. I'm excited to continue learning alongside the girls and I truly cannot wait to see what the future holds.
Close StoryI absolutely love the mission and values of BUF Girls. From the moment I discovered BUF Girls I strongly connected to everything about the brand. Their outlook, their goals, their whole approach. I remember thinking “if I could open my own business it would be just like BUF Girls”. It was never about ‘if’, just about ‘when’ for me. Finding ...

My Story
Renee G. - BUF Perth City
I absolutely love the mission and values of BUF Girls. From the moment I discovered BUF Girls I strongly connected to everything about the brand. Their outlook, their goals, their whole approach. I remember thinking "if I could open my own business it would be just like BUF Girls". It was never about 'if', just about 'when' for me. Finding an equally passionate business partner made the start up process much easier and actually enjoyable. The guidance, support and advice from HQ in Bondi has been invaluable and ensured we are able to get started and focus on growing with confidence. On top of that, being apart of a wider dynamic and driven licensee team that bounce ideas around, share resources and feed off each others energy is just awesome. There definitely is a big family feel!
Close StoryOpening a BUF Girls location has been an incredible experience, and something I wish I had done sooner! The team in Bondi are super helpful, and are there to help you succeed 100% in your own business. The ‘why’ of BUF girls resonated with me and I wanted to have a larger impact on the women of WA. BUF Girls ...

My Story
Kate G. - BUF Perth City
Opening a BUF Girls location has been an incredible experience, and something I wish I had done sooner! The team in Bondi are super helpful, and are there to help you succeed 100% in your own business. The ‘why’ of BUF girls resonated with me and I wanted to have a larger impact on the women of WA. BUF Girls helped broaden my platform to help others. Although you are running your own business, the support and community of all the BUF licenced locations makes you feel like you are part of something much bigger and you always have someone to bounce ideas off. Finding the right partner was a super important part for me, and the BUF Girls were able to help connect me with my now best biz bud and super trooper.
Close StoryI was unhappily unhealthy about a year ago and when I went for walk to the park one day I saw Dani training a group of other women and having so much in the meantime. I thought I would give this a go. I went to my first boot camp knowing that it would not be a walk in the ...

My Story
Michelle W. - Upper Coomera, QLD
I was unhappily unhealthy about a year ago and when I went for walk to the park one day I saw Dani training a group of other women and having so much in the meantime. I thought I would give this a go.
I went to my first boot camp knowing that it would not be a walk in the park but I soon became hooked and have been going at least twice a week ever since. The atmosphere and fun factor is amazing and even though Dani is a hard task master she gives me such encouragement and each week she pushes me beyond my personal limits. No one is there to judge anyone and I have made some lifelong friends. My personal favourite is the monthly fitness tests. Although I find them terrifying, the feeling you get from seeing how much you have improved since last time is a real confidence booster.
I know I am stronger and fit into my clothes so much better than I ever have. I am the fittest I have ever been and feel great inside and out. My confidence is also at an all-time high and I feel I can now conquer anything. I am now working towards my first 5km run later this year.
If anyone is looking to lose weight, tone up, gain muscle or just keep fit with like-minded ladies then Buf Girls is for you!
Close StoryI recently joined BUF and I can definitely say it has been the best decision I have made in years. I was at a point where I was so unhappy with myself. I refused to look in the mirror as I was ashamed of who stood there looking back at me. My mood, my hormones and my sleep were all ...

My Story
Tammy F. - Upper Coomera, QLD
I recently joined BUF and I can definitely say it has been the best decision I have made in years. I was at a point where I was so unhappy with myself. I refused to look in the mirror as I was ashamed of who stood there looking back at me. My mood, my hormones and my sleep were all being affected. My relationship with my husband was coping the brunt of my irritability and unhappiness.
Since joining BUF I have begun to have faith in myself again. Faith that I can and be better. I can feel myself getting stronger and less tired. The trainers keep me motivated and focused. The ladies who I join give me something to strive for. I never feel judged or looked down upon. The BUF trainer pushes me a little further everytime and keeps the sessions interactive, fun and interesting. Something I used to loath has now become the highlight of my week. I would encourage anyone to give it a go. You will not be disappointed.
Close StoryThe information in this program is incredible. I’m a bit of a health nerd so I’ve read heaps of stuff, but this is just beyond! So inspiring, educational and well put together. Congrats on an amazing program!

My Story
Elle P. - Melbourne, VIC
The information in this program is incredible. I'm a bit of a health nerd so I've read heaps of stuff, but this is just beyond! So inspiring, educational and well put together. Congrats on an amazing program!
Close StoryBefore commencing with Dani, I was overweight and unhappy with the weight I had put on after having babies. Dani’s bootcamp was recommended to me by a friend. I was quiet anxious about joining a group and starting my weightloss and fitness journey. However, with the help of Dani’s positive attitude and caring nature I signed up! This has been ...

My Story
Sheraleigh F. -
Before commencing with Dani, I was overweight and unhappy with the weight I had put on after having babies. Dani's bootcamp was recommended to me by a friend. I was quiet anxious about joining a group and starting my weightloss and fitness journey. However, with the help of Dani's positive attitude and caring nature I signed up! This has been one of the best decisions I could have made.
Through healthy eating, attending three to four bootcamp sessions a week and Dani's support and encouragment I have lost 14kilos and my strength is improving!
Training at the Oxenford lake overlooking the water as the sun goes down and with group of ladies who are friendly and non-judgemental make exercise fun and addictive!
Close StoryI’ve trained with Kirsty pre-pregnancy and post baby. At each stage in my life she understood my strengths, encouraged me and inspired me to be the best version of myself. Her positive outlook on life seeps through her training sessions and I always leave feeling stronger. Nothing is too much for her, even making her clients healthy bliss balls.

My Story
Bec R. -
I've trained with Kirsty pre-pregnancy and post baby. At each stage in my life she understood my strengths, encouraged me and inspired me to be the best version of myself. Her positive outlook on life seeps through her training sessions and I always leave feeling stronger. Nothing is too much for her, even making her clients healthy bliss balls.
Close StoryLiz is one of the most motivated and inspiring trainers know. She has extensive knowledge of fitness and nutrition. She inspires so many people on a daily basis and put so much effort in for her clients. Her workouts kick butt, although they are always great fun.

My Story
Sandra P. - Melbourne, VIC
Liz is one of the most motivated and inspiring trainers know. She has extensive knowledge of fitness and nutrition. She inspires so many people on a daily basis and put so much effort in for her clients. Her workouts kick butt, although they are always great fun.
Close StoryI have been training with Liz for over a year now & couldn’t be happier!! Liz is super dedicated to her clients & makes every session unique & fun, while still making sure you push yourself past your comfort zone! I have achieved personal goals with Liz’s amazing training, including the Eureka stair challenge & the MCG stadium stomp & ...

My Story
Rebecca S. - Melbourne, VIC
I have been training with Liz for over a year now & couldn't be happier!! Liz is super dedicated to her clients & makes every session unique & fun, while still making sure you push yourself past your comfort zone! I have achieved personal goals with Liz's amazing training, including the Eureka stair challenge & the MCG stadium stomp & can't wait to see what the next goal/challenge will be! It's so great looking forward to a workout & not look at it like a chore & Liz's holistic approach to her training is to thank for that!!
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